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[행사안내] 2013 부활주일 전 주일학교 Easter Egg Hunt Day

지팡이 | 2013.03.16 07:36 | 조회 6774

Family Easter Event and Easter Egg Hunt

 Sunday,  March 24th – 3:30 pm


For Children 0 to 6th Grade and the Rest of the Family, Friends and Neighbors


This is one of our favorite events of the spring.  We will begin with a special opening at 3:30 pm in the Worship Center with lots of fun activities planned. 


For use in printed publications, Right-Click on the filename below to download and choose "Save Target As" or "Save Link As"There will be several Hunts for the different ages; Decorating of the Easter Trees, Craft Table, Games, Story Time and picture opportunities with the Easter Bunny.  The cost for the event is $5.00 per child. 


The Hunts will be designed for these different age groups: Crawlers and Littlest Walkers; Preschool - 3rd and the 4-6th Grades will have an Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt.  This year we will also have an Easter Egg Hunt designed for our special needs children. Please RSVP by emailing Judi Hangen at jhangen@kofk.org so we know how many eggs to reserve from the “Easter Bunny”.

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